Monday, April 21, 2008

In The Beginning

Welcome to the beginning of That Crafty Chick! Craft blogging seems to be all the rage these days, so I'm all over this bandwagon like a donkey on a waffle. I have a few projects finished, photographed and ready to blog, I just have to find time away from my 10-month old monster to actually do something about it.

I've been crafting since I was a wee kid. One of my earliest memories is painting ceramic christmas ornaments with my grandmother when I was 2 years old. I have a huge collection of knicknacks and god knows what else, things that I made in school, at Brownie camp, just because. This trend has continued on into adulthood - I have since taught myself to cross-stitch, quilt, knit and crochet, and I've started dabbling in the world of papercrafts. It's an expensive addiction that my husband groans about every time I make a trip to Michaels, but at least he appreciates the results.

So, hopefully I can stick to this blogging thing. I love crafting and I would love to share my creations with anyone bored enough to read this for an insomnia cure.

Happy crafting!


Laura said...

oh I cant wait to see some pictures! I love crafts.

kasanika said...

Welcome .. looking forward to bouncing ideas back and forth!


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